
Our Focus

In today's digital landscape, online networking has become synonymous with building online clout, engaging in micro-blogging, seeking personal recognition, and even immersing oneself in gaming communities. However, amidst these activities, there's a notable lack of emphasis on what truly matters: enabling active networking, fostering genuine connections, and facilitating the discovery of nearby professionals. This oversight poses significant challenges, including the rampant exploitation of platforms by spammers and a noticeable decline in genuine connection requests.

As a consequence, the online networking sphere is saturated with noise rather than meaningful engagement. Sales pitches, often poorly targeted and devoid of relevance, dominate the discourse, leaving users feeling disconnected and disillusioned. The result is a network where little to no value is generated from connections, and where the potential for authentic collaboration and professional growth remains untapped.

But it doesn't have to be this way. At our core, we believe in reshaping the online networking experience, prioritizing quality interactions over superficial metrics. We envision a platform where every connection is meaningful, every engagement is purposeful, and every opportunity is within reach. By addressing the shortcomings of current networking paradigms, we strive to create a space where professionals can truly thrive, forging genuine connections that lead to tangible value and mutual success.

Our Team

Steven Eppinger is a serial technology entrepreneur.

Steven Eppinger
Founder & CEO

Senator John Albers is a senior executive, business owner, and thought leader for business and government.

John Albers
Chief Financial Officer

Steve Rozeboom is an executive with more than 30 years of experience.

Steve Rozeboom

Leadership experience to revolutionize an industry
